Why DuckDuckGo is named as DuckDuckGo?
DuckDuckGo is a search engine designed for searcher's privacy and security. DuckDuckGo is ranked as 6th most popular search engine on the basis of popularity (data collected from an article in Wikipedia) .
DuckDuckGo search engine is designed using programming languages like perl, JavaScript and python.
This search engine does not save any personal information of a searcher for any commercial purposes.Unlike other search engines, it does not collect your cookies, ip address, passwords and other important information.
DuckDuckGo announced that "Google tracks you. We don't. " This is their marketing strategy.
The name DuckDuckGo is derived from the children's game Duck, Duck, Goose. Gabriel Weinberg named it because he likes it. There was not any specific reason for placing the name "DuckDuckGo."Unlike Google, it doesn't have any interesting story behind it's name.
DuckDuckGo is designed by Gabriel Weinberg. It comes to existence on 29th February, 2008.Weinberg says that "Really it just popped in my head one day and I just liked it. It is certainly influenced/derived from duck duck goose, but other than that there is no relation, e.g., a metaphor."
DuckDuckGo is considered as a hybrid search engine because it collected the data from other search engines and from other sources. It also uses DDB(duck duck bot) to fetch search results.
This is the default search engine in tor browser. DuckDuckGo is used for surfing the web anonymously through onion service.Using tor browser with onion routing makes you almost anonymous in the internet. In 2011, voice search is introduced.
DuckDuckGo is currently owned by Duck Duck Go, Inc which is a private company. It has its headquarters in Paoli, Pennsylvania, U.S. Many people doubted that duckDuckGo is a Chinese app but that was wrong.
DuckDuckGo has millions of daily searches, and it is gaining popularity day by day. A controversy arrived in 2018, when duckduckgo(app) had introduced a new feature to bring the favicon of visited websites in search results. Many duckduckgo users raised there voices against this feature so, Weinberg closed this issue because of their privacy policy which clearly states that "duckduckgo does collects any personal information."
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