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What is youtube and its features

What is youtube and its features?


What is youtube? Youtube is a video sharing platform where people can post their videos, they can do free video recording, and they can monetize their videos and share their opinions on youtube which also has its separate chat rooms.

Features of youtube

There are many amazing features in youtube platform and here are some of them:

1. Access – one of the good feature in the youtube is access. This is quite useful because if you find the video for which you need, you can easily find the video by clicking the icon

2. Subscribe to people – this is another one of the best feature that people get in youtube and it is a great way to discover new videos in their own country or from their favorite sports teams. It is the only way to find videos from the local television channels, so that the viewers will know everything about the video which they are watching.

3. Pause and rewind – The wonderful thing about the youtube is that it has many built in functions to add value to the videos. So it is easy to watch the video that you have saved in the computer.

4. Browse – people love the whole browsing feature in the YouTube platform, where they can go and look at the videos of their favorite groups, celebrities or if they have an interest in the subject they can also go into the videos they want to look at.

5. Comment – people love to have comments on the video so that they can have a discussion about it and this is a great addition to the video. So people can share their views and opinions and if they can add some facts to it.

6. Mentions – if they want to be more popular then they should get mentions on the videos and people also tend to mention and link to their videos.

7. Credit – the credit is very important because it gives recognition to the users who are sharing the video and who are watching it. It gives credit to the people who were mentioned in the video.

8. Filters – the filters in the youtube allows the users to choose the colour, background, and audio that they prefer.

9. Browsing History – it is a good feature because the people get to know who was watching their videos and if the person did not make a comment, they know that the video was watched.

10. Trending Videos– if you are looking for the trending videos then the YouTube has you covered. If you want to check out what's trending on the internet, then you can go to the YouTube and there you can find many videos that are trending.

11. Suggested Videos – it is a good feature because it means that people get the videos that they might like, and they have suggested the videos as a possibility for you.

12. Brand Support – it is also very good because the people of the Youtube often get the support of the brand as well.

13. Color Filters – the color filters in YouTube is another good feature and a tool because it is easy to change the saturation,brightness of videos you must be watching .

14. Place – the picture place in the YouTube is useful for the users as it gives the option of recording the video on a mobile phone or a tablet. So that users can record the videos on their mobile phone or any other video player that they have.

15. Back Videos – the people of the youtube get the option of backing up the video so that they can re-watch it from a later date. This is also useful if you have a video that is very important to you and you would like to back it up and so that you can always find it.

16. Smart Search – this is another feature that you get in YouTube, where you can search any video quickly and easily. You can simply search the name of the video and then look for it.

17. Liking – when you like the video and want to give a thumbs up to it then you have the option of liking. In YouTube, you can always like a video but you must be signed in with your google account.

18. Disliking  – Disliking is another feature  is because if you are looking for a particular topic, then you can just search the topic and then find the videos that are related to it. If you find appropriate and unwanted content, you can dislike it. It prevents other people from watching the video.

19. Image Search – if you are looking for the images of a particular subject or a particular video, then you can easily find them in the search feature.

20. Community – it is a very good feature because if you are a video fan then you will like it a lot. You will find people talking about the same subject that you are into.

21. Embed Videos – this feature is very good as well because if you want to share the video with others then you can easily embed the video.

22. Superstar – the people of the Youtube have created many channels and many of these are paid channels. But it is a very good feature because it gives the users the chance to upload a video and get more subscribers. So this means that the users can upload videos and get a huge number of subscribers.

23. Label – the label is very helpful because it helps you to know the title and also the name of the video. It will also help you to know the exact date of the video.

24. Watch later  – it is also very good because if you want to watch the video then you can just watch it later.

25. See all videos – it is a good feature because it lets you see the video list. So that you can see all the videos that you might like and you can start playing them right away.

26. Direct Share  – it is also a good feature because it lets you share the videos with your friends or family members and that means that you can simply send the link to your friends and let them enjoy the video right away.

27. Live Channels – it is also a good feature because you can watch the live channel of any of the YouTube star that you would like to. So you can click on the live channel of any of the popular YouTubers and you can easily follow what they are watching.

28. Top Channels  – it is a good feature because it gives you the option to go to the top channel. And if you love any particular video then you can click on it and start watching it right away.

29. Browse Channels  – it is also a good feature because you can go to any channel and see all the videos that are posted on it.

30. View previous videos – this is also a very good feature because if you watch the previous videos of any of the YouTube channels that you like, then you can always go back to them. So you can see what all videos they have posted in the past.


YouTube is one of the best video sharing sites. This is a really good feature of the Youtube because it makes the people follow the videos that they would like to watch. And this makes them the subscribers of the YouTube channel. You can search the videos that you would like to watch. You can also upload the video and get many more viewers.

So these are some of the good things about Youtube. If you want to make some money, then this is the best platform to do so. So this is one of the best platforms for starting your YouTube channel. It is a very good platform because you can get many viewers for the video. So you can earn some money with the video uploads.

How to make money using youtube videos?

Starting your own YouTube channel is very easy. All you have to do is to find the interesting and funny videos online, then you can upload them to your YouTube channel and earn a lot of money.


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