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How novels impacts the teenagers

How novels impact lives of teenager's life?


In this article I will share you a personal experience of a college student who is studying in USA. Let's explore what that student think about novels.

Personal experience of of a teenager on reading novels

I prefer reading novels because of the lessons, and how much I learn from them. They also can change me in positive ways if I am willing to allow them to do so. Some of my favorite classics include; Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Animal Farm by George Orwell. I like re - reading some of these novels and I learn something new from them. Favorites in my young adult genre are The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton and Harry Potter series by J. K.Rowling. 

If I had to choose one book to re - read for the rest of my life, it would be a toss up between The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K.Rowling. And, to put a bow on it, I am not a good judge of whether I have learned something from a book. In reading The Catcher in the Rye, I was left with a wonderful message, and at the same time, I learned more about myself and others.

My mind was shocked with the events that happened to Holden Caulfield, but I could relate to him and felt his pain. This was one of the first books in my life that I started to go into literature. I would like to say that this book is not just for young adults, but it is an important part of our education and all people should be exposed to it. I feel that as a college student reading this book made me think deeper about my life and the decisions I made. 

Like Holden Caulfield, I was a shy and misfit and read this book to find out what it was that others thought of me. It made me look into the mirror and realize that everyone was different and what people thought of me was not as important as what I thought of myself. I enjoyed reading it, but I am not sure if it was a good book. However, I remember my cousin telling me that the book is one of the books that helped her realize that she should not let others think negatively about her. I think the Catcher in the Rye can be a book that can open a young adult's mind up to many things they should know about life.
Posted on September 14, 2016 by sosblossom "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" - New Years Resolutions Posted on September 14, 2016 by sosblossom "A gentle whisper to all men, to all young men, that this is not a book to read alone. It's a book to read and enjoy with a friend or on your own. A young man who has not faced hard times, who has not experienced any sort of emotional pain, or great love, should not read this book. It's one of those "Why I am NOT doing what I want" books ". Well, I am not doing what I want. I am finally reading a book that all college students should have read before entering into the workforce or after graduation.
Some of the messages in this book are not what college students want to hear, but they are true. College students are supposed to be free and "go, go, go", but there is a "catch". All college students have to go through a life change. That change, which occurs at different times, is the major part of growing up. Someday, your main priority is not going to be about partying or how much fun you are having, but it will be about your family, friends, and other people in your life. A few paragraphs in the book tell about one of the students graduating college and getting her first job. 

It doesn't seem to be a very good job, but the student is excited to start her new career. She wants to do something important with her life. In the next paragraph she announces to her new boss that she is quitting her job. The first thing the boss says to the new employee is, "No, you cannot quit. You haven't found something more important than this job." Well, sometimes in life, we do find something more important than that job. The student then tells her boss that she isn't ready for the real world yet, and she thinks that she should go back to school. The boss tells the student that she will give her a job if she decides to return to college. The student stays at the job and decides to go back to school. 
The student stays in the same school for several years and makes many friends. While at the school, the student is having a difficult time with her classes and with relationships with her parents, boyfriend, and friends. The student still believes that college is supposed to be fun, but it is not. She decides to start trying harder and tries to get good grades. 

The student even makes the Dean's list several times and then the President's list. Eventually, the student decides that she needs to go to grad school. She is getting tired of school and she feels like she isn't growing anymore. Her boyfriend tells her that it is time to graduate. The student does not want to. She feels as though she can still learn more in college. The student's parents are forcing her to go to grand school. They believe that if she goes to grad school, she will have the qualifications to get a good job.
The student's boyfriend thinks she should go to grad school, but also agrees with the parents that it is time to graduate. The student leaves school and starts her career. For two years she feels as though she is living for everyone else but herself. She struggles in her job and has relationships that aren't what she wants them to be. 

Eventually, the student is so tired of waiting for the right man, or the right job, that she gives it all up. She leaves the relationship, her job, and even school. She drives across the country to get away. She has no destination in mind. She just wants to get away. She realizes that she doesn't know who she is or what she wants. 

She decides that she doesn't really want to work at her old job any more. She decides that it is time to find out who she is and what she wants. She starts at the bottom of her profession. She is a secretary. She has only $5 to her name. She is lost. She has no direction in life. She has nothing to show for her life except a good education and the chance to change jobs. The student now has to decide whether to stay at the job or move on.

 In the same way, we have all been forced to leave something that we love in order to find out what we really want in life. We have had our hearts broken in the process. We have walked away from friendships that hurt, relationships that were damaged, and relationships that were dead in the water. 

We have had our faith challenged, and we have come out of it stronger. We have made mistakes. We have made choices that may not have always been the right choices. We have made relationships that were terrible.


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