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How to change fire button animation in duckduckgo app?


How to change fire button animation in duckduckgo app? 

How to change fire button animation in android

If you are using duckduckgo search engine, you already know how to clear all tabs and data in their app. This is an advanced feature of duckduckgo app through which you can delete all the stored tabs and data in one click. DuckDuckGo claims to offer more privacy and security yo it's users than any other search engine.Many websites store a lot of data in our browser in the form of cookies. Even, some images and text get downloaded to our browser before they are displayed in your screen. 

Fire button animation is included in the browser for enhancing user experience. You will not find such feature in chrome(now).This animation activates when a user clicks on the fire button to clear all the stored tabs and data. You can change or stop the animation according to your needs. By the way, stopping the animation can help you to save a little bit of battery. 

Where fire button is located in duckduckgo app? 

Fire button is located on the top left of the browser's screen. It is located besides the search bar. It looks like this - 🔥(in black colour). When you will click on the fire button, a small pop up will appear on the bottom of the browser's screen. You will find two options i.e., "clear all tabs and data" and "cancel" option. You can click on the first option to remove all tabs and data. 

Benefits of fire button in duckduckgo

This button allows you to clear all tabs and data in one click. All the information stored in your browser such as cookies, search history and cache are removed from your browser in one click. It decreases  your chance of being tracked. Many hackers or spammers try to log in your social media accounts by accessing your cookies. They stole cookies to use your premium services for free. This feature deletes all your cookies leaving nothing for the hackers. 

Steps to change fire button animation in android:

1.Open duckduckgo app and click on the three vertical dots present on the top right corner of your browser's screen. 

2.A small pop up will appear on the left side of the browser's screen. Click on "Settings" option. Next page will appear. 

3.Click on the "Fire button animation".You will get four options to select among them. These are Whirlpool,Inferno,Airstream and none. 

4.After clicking on your preferred option, click on save.Go back and click on the fire button to check the animation which you have selected. 

By following these simple steps, you can easily change the fire button animation. 

If you are being bored of reading, you can watch this simple tutorial to change fire button animation. 

Features of duckduckgo:

DuckDuckGo is the most secure engine amongst all the search engines. It doesn't store your data and make your profile in the world of internet.It doesn't track your searches and your preferences to show targetted ads. According to duckduckgo, there is no need to track the user to show ads. In duckduckgo, ads are shown based on your searched keyword. In duckduckgo, you will see ads based on your searched query. It doesn't track your daily searches and shopping habits to show specific ads. Google tracks it's user to show targetted ads to a user. Many organization and companies (small or big) show their advertisements through google ads. Google shows advertisement of the highest bidder for a keyword. There is no such case in duckduckgo. 

If you are curious about the internet, you already heard about the tor browser. It is considered as the most secure browser amongst all. It uses duckduckgo as a default search engine. 


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